document.write('Programs itself. Then pays for itself. The Nest Learning Thermostat learns from you, creates a schedule and is proven to save energy. And now, its ring comes in stainless steel, copper, black and white. | ');
General Information | '); document.write('|
Manufacturer | '); document.write('Google, Inc | '); document.write('
Manufacturer Part Number | '); document.write('T3007ES | '); document.write('
Manufacturer Website Address | '); document.write(' | '); document.write('
Brand Name | '); document.write('Google Nest | '); document.write('
Product Line | '); document.write('Learning | '); document.write('
Product Name | '); document.write('Learning Thermostat | '); document.write('
Product Type | '); document.write('Thermostat | '); document.write('
Battery Information | '); document.write('|
Battery Chemistry | '); document.write('Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) | '); document.write('
Physical Characteristics | '); document.write('|
Product Color | '); document.write('Black | '); document.write('
Height | '); document.write('1.2" | '); document.write('
Miscellaneous | '); document.write('|
Package Contents | '); document.write('
| ');
Country of Origin | '); document.write('United States | '); document.write('
Warranty | '); document.write('|
Limited Warranty | '); document.write('2 Year | '); document.write('